Sunday, October 31, 2010

My Halloween Costume

My halloween Costume from Friday..cant wait to dress up tonight!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Its all about energy

Seriously, its true what they say...when you get rid of negative energy, a blockage is removed..people see it around you, people want to be around you, blessings are drawn to you...give give give...its only a matter of time before you shall receive. Life is all about cant have one light turn green and the other light is still green, you take turns...the flow of energy demands it...if one stop light doesn't work..what happens? Congestion...frustration, stress, clutter...keep the flow going..give, receive, give, receive...if a person in your life is blocking that flow...time to fix Get rid of it.. easy peasy.

Shooting Nokia tonight!!

After auditioning, call backs, and beating out hundreds...I am officially doing Nokia!! So shoots tonight..i mean 12am..its a night shoot, so i guess that means rest, relax and pamper myself all day right??! Yesssss

Monday, October 25, 2010

Going to DENVER Nov 11-15

Excited because I have a crazy weekend ahead of me in Denver...even more excited because I just bought a flip came so im going to film every, mysterious, sexy, crazi, dark, fun, light, moment that goes on..Rockstar!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Boring LA soooo bored of LA. I am going through major winter time blues...the skys are grey, the sun went to sleep, the freaks are in hibernation, and I definitely need a vacation...a long one...somewhere hot, humid, smells like flowers, and everyone is walking around in topless bikinis...i need that. NOW!

CC Fontana Carmen Electra Newport Beach Shoot

Monday, October 18, 2010

I let my inhibitions go

I won't dare let my heart heart has to be stomach must be gut must be lying...shame...shame on the place inside us we're supposed to trust...our minds are supposed to be stronger than any part of our body...why is it our heart always seems stronger than our mind...why is it that we question our heart so much...when our mind says no and our body says..let go

Who is Miss CC Fontana?

Fabulously Fontana is Featured on!!

Checkout the teaser for CC Fontana’s new reality series, Fabulously Fontana. The show features model/actress/ singer CC Fontana. The sultry Latina is an instant Web Celeb known for her sexy style, adventurous persona, ‘party-girl’ activities and sometime ‘bad girl’ approach.  The show will follow her exciting life, uncensored, on her journey to obtain success, fortune [...]

Saturday, October 16, 2010


I keep having Nightmares

The last couple of days I have been having some pretty weird nightmares. I haven't dreamed ANY dreams in a really long time, so to be suddenly dreaming about these things out of no where...i trust that it is because I should be aware of something. I always trust my gut. I always trust signs...i trust that angels exist...and i trust when i see same digits..ex. 11:11 or 10:10 or my store receipt is $7.77....But, lately i've changed my routine..for some reason..
My dreams have basically been a metaphor for the state my unconscious mind has been in. Although i've been really happy basically is telling me there are people around me that are fake and that are going to be the cause..or loss for that matter in a large investment that's going to happen. A couple days ago I had a dream about a cut on my ankle that kept getting worse and worse every time someone would say "what happened to your ankle?" and then I had a dream that someone was shooting at me and everyone around me, and I convinced the person shooting to not shoot me. But, everyone else got shot. Then last night I had a dream that i was staring at a fireplace in a living room and there was no fire but there were evil spirits around and the lights kept flashing off and when i would say out loud "i have angels" the spirits went away and the lights came back on.
I dont know exactly what I am supposed to be doing because of these dreams...but this is what the meaning supposedly is...

The first dream about the cut ankle says this:
"To dream that you have a cut, suggests that you are being let down or being undermined. Alternatively, it refers to feminine sexuality and feminine attitudes toward sex. In particular, if the cuts are on your legs, then it symbolizes an imbalance. You are unable to stand up for yourself."
2nd meaning to this dream...
Dreams in which you cut yourself or see cuts bear a very complex significance. They may refer to something that is wrong, unnecessary or not wanted in your waking life which you have to remove before achieving an emotional balance.

Then the dream about someone shooting me says this:
Someone who has a gun meas someone who has some power.
Shooting means sending messages not usually good news.
If it is you that’s being shot, you may feel that, in waking life, you are being victimised in some way.

I've been laying low lately...watching everything around me..because I am one to let something huge go over my head before I finally see what it is...but by then it's too late. All of these dreams are making me aware of people around me. What does this all mean? I guess I have to just be careful..Lets just say I have a lot of "new friends" around me.


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Productive High

I need to figure out a way to convince myself that I am being productive even when im not physically being productive...Because money never sleeps...bullshit never stops, and most people never change...i have to be productive 24/7...but when i sleep and I wake up..i convince myself that those precious hours I took to renew my body are a waste..that I could have been doing something during those 8 or 9 hours. I guess then it catches up to you..the non sleep thing...and then you crash..and you cant or don't feel like doing ANYTHING for like a week. Ive been in somewhat vacation mode for the past week...week and a half..ive been a spoiled little princess...clothes, shoes, watches, parties, great friends, amazing food. It's like all my hard work paid off this last week..Which is why i keep trying to convince myself that my productivity is the reason all this is happening. I know my closest friends see it, because I share everything with i guess its okay to ask them every once in a while "am i being productive" and "tell me how i am". Thanks friends. I love you.


clearly Fd up

I dont know...i think me and my closest friends are blessed. Blessed to be in such a small town with so many little people. Or Blessed to be in such a big town with such small people. Whatever. either way, i'm pretty sure we'd make it out okay... we have so many blessings and appreciate each and everyone.. come join me in my journey.


Sunday, October 10, 2010

Event this Saturday at Industry!

So Friday Night was soooo amazing!! Thanks for everyone that was one of the best nights i've had in LA..If you missed it, you can come to the next event this Saturday 10.16.10 at Industry!!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Come to MyHouse tonight!!

Start with straight shots and then pop bottles.... come out and party with me tonight at Club MyHouse in Hollywood to celebrate !!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

i told you

I told you I didn't want to fall in love. In face I warned you against it. I told you my heart was still healing, and you decided to try and rip the scabs off and expose the fresh wound. I told you if you come near falling in love, I will walk away faster than you can get those 3 words out of your mouth. You don't love me, you think you do..Im addicting...but so is cigarettes. Grab one...itll last a short time..but chances are you'll be able to get another one...and I think dealing with me, you'll probably end up living longer with the cigarette choice too...Just sayn'

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Hosting MYHOUSE Friday Oct 8!

Hey guys!! Come celebrate the launching of my website Friday Oct. 8!!!


Hosting MYHOUSE this Friday

So im hosting MYHOUSE this Friday!! Come celebrate the launch of


It's my world

I'm not here for your sake..I'm not here in your world. I'm not here to make your world have meaning, or give you worth...I can help you realize your worth, and I can give you meaning to define your position in this world. I realize and I know, the person ahead of me in this game is still apart of the same race. Look out for the overlapping...
We do things in this world because we want can have all the money in the world, but once you lose that respect, the meaning of everything you have accomplished and the definition of your world becomes meaningless.

Sunday, October 3, 2010


I realized there is no direct link to my photos on my website, which was awkward since that's what I do is take I had it updated, and now there is a "CC Fontana Photos" page.

I had an awesome shoot was short notice actually, and ended up being SUPER FAB with Celeb stylist Felipe' G...I have a lot more footage that I'll share soon!!

xoxo Miss CC

Saturday, October 2, 2010


Im starting to see the double headed sword in everything.. you open one door, and then 2 more are there for you to choose from. You can walk through one, and it can be challenging or it can be easy..but there are always consequences to your actions. The double headed sword is, no one wants anything unless they can get something, but you won't have anything to give until THEY give you what you need... have your cake and eat it to? Maybe...could you want a short term or long term career? Do you want advice or do you want someone to tell you what you already are convinced. Your mind is what's is either going to screw it up for you or make it right. But sometimes you don't have that control. You can't be perfect forever...or can you?

Website Update!!

I have a new update on you can chat live with me...yay!!!

Friday, October 1, 2010

New Logo!!

Today I have a meeting about creating my official Logo..This is really important because this will be what everyone sees time after time when they touch anything I've branded. Fingers crossed that it goes well!!
