Wednesday, November 24, 2010

they call it magic

purple and gold...its so bright and it seems like a really large hd television. I don't have to say much..just flash a smile...giggle..look and make sure the partner in crime is having a good time..cheers and enjoy..the laker game..a caramel apple..and (not quite the best) carrot cake. Actually not good at all. Neither was the gasoline infused vodka. I think we would have been better off with the original non-imposter drink. 2 lemons? Better make that 6.
A little fist pumping action... not that kind of fist pumping action...the kind you do when your in a hypnotized, heart pounding, air slapping trance...DJ rock that beat...take my soul for a ride..fist pumping action. The phantom mask didn't do the disguise trick as planned. Next plan of action to stay behind the curtain..pour champagne all down my thankfully black top. I guess I was just placed under the fountain of gold. Can't get mad at that right? at this point, i think it's okay to take an independent "ill do what I want" route. Bratt.
.....have to be up in 4 hours now..oh wait now is now. Im up..and quite the random heartland scramble with biscuits, as i plan my thanksgiving gobble gobble action. No boyfriend for this holiday...doing it big..with the partner in crime. Family. That's what it is. If only everyone had a family member like mine..that can read your mind. 2 lemons that is. Filtered Vodka. Belvedere. Not high maintenance..she will take the same. Straight clean. Thanks for your questionable look. Vodka water is a mixed drink. Hardcore champs. Thats what I always say.

So yea.. a random 24 hours. But..whats a little fun without the action. Goes together like caramel and pretzels...oh. dont know about that one yet do you??

Thursday, November 18, 2010

i like it when

I really like it when...
... i get stuff done
...i can cross off multiple things on my to do list
...people tell me they're proud of me
...gas drops 15 cents a gallon
....i get a random check in the mail
...i dont have a parking ticket on my windshield
...i have a thousand more hits a night on my youtube video
....a good song comes on the radio
...i can smell food being cooked in the kitchen best friend brings me coffee to wake me up in the am best friend doesn't go to school and hangs out at home with me
....i come up with a great song idea
...i get to go to sushi
...i get to dress up
...i get to take a trip so i can film it
...i get butterflies from talking to someone I have a crush on
...i can give someone something they really want
...someone tells me they appreciate me

I like a lot of things.. i can't list them all...but listing these things makes me feel good and remember why i live

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Mercury get out of retrograde

Mercury get out of retrograde...i cant take this electronical madness...its almost like anything electronic goes to shit. i dont even want to repeat the horrible electronicness.....maybe if i stop repeating the word electronic...i will demanifest this madness...oh my